Read His Words Before Ours! Psalm 6 Psalm 13:1-6 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 One of the beautiful things about Gracefully Truthful is the vulnerability required to write each Journey studies. From the beginning, we have strived for authenticity, as our desire has been for other women to know we are walking the reality of the Journeys we write. Rarely do I write from distant experience, I write what the Lord is revealing in my heart moment by moment. It is messy, I cry many tears as I write, and I trust that the Lord will somehow use my scattered words to bring Him glory. With that transparency I tell you, sisters, I am walking through an incredibly dark valley. My future is uncertain. My dreams are shattered. My heart is broken. In the midst of this valley, the Psalms has brought comfort, putting into words prayers I haven’t known how to pray. I’ve spent days sitting in one Psalm drawing as much truth and comfort from it as I can hold before moving onto the next. It is beautiful to see how the Bible has so many dimensions! The same verses I clung to as a little girl learning the Lord is my shepherd, are the same verses God used to makes me lie down in green pastures. Today, those same verses remind me I will never walk alone. The Bible never changes. But I change. Because of that, the Bible will always be relevant. God spoke through Psalm 6, meeting me exactly where I am. But His word is ready to meet each of us in every circumstance because His Spirit makes it come alive! Women trying to conceive can pray these words back to the Lord. Mamas grieving loss can read these words as the Spirit ministers directly to their souls. Soldiers may feel as if this psalm was written just for them, finding solace in His rescue. God’s Word is relatable, bringing us life! His Word is for each of us! “Be gracious to me, Lord, for I am weak; heal me, Lord, for my bones are shaking; my whole being is shaken with terror. And you, Lord—how long?” Psalm 6:2-3 My heart echoes amen and amen. And countless hearts down through the centuries do the same. Our beings shake. Be gracious, Lord! And Lord?! How Long?? The older I get, the more I realize how incredibly messy life is. Even in the beautiful seasons, there will always be trials to face. Every single person reading this page has faced a trial of some kind, so we can all draw comfort from His Word. “Save me for the sake of your steadfast love!” Psalm 6:4 Oh sisters, how weak I have felt in this valley! How deeply I’ve begged, “Save me for the sake of your steadfast love!” I’ve never experienced the shaking of my bones quite like I have lately. Often, I find myself crying out to God, “How long? How long will this season last? Surely this valley can’t be any deeper?” Are you weary from your groaning? Is your pillow drenched every night? Do you wait until your kids are in bed, then let the tears flow? Do you hold them in for as many days as you can, until they just burst while you’re driving? Me, too. Take comfort in this, Dear One, the Lord sees every single tear that falls. He catches those tears in a bottle (Psalm 56:8); He knows the source of those tears. He knows the heartache, the grief, the loss, the suffering, the anger, the disappointment. Are your eyes swollen from grief? Does your head throb from the overwhelming thoughts running through it? Does your body ache from exhaustion as you long to sleep just one night without the interruption of horrible dreams or racing thoughts? Does your jaw hurt because of the constant clenching? Me, too. He sees. He knows each thought, each dream, and your aching body. (Matthew 11:28-29) He longs to give you rest. As I sat in my counseling session sharing with my therapist the anger I was feeling, he explained that my grief will come like the tide, sometimes it will roll in and come further up on the shore before descending back down, but like the tide, it will surely come. The beauty of grieving, he explained, is that I am able to understand even more deeply the devastation caused by sin, and therefore, grasp the need for a Savior even more than I ever have before. But I do not have to walk through grief alone. As I enter into a new phase of grief I can bring it to the Lord, transparently asking Him to walk with me. The Lord has heard the sound of my weeping! He hasn’t turned a deaf ear to my pain. He hasn’t blocked out my mourning or allowed it to become like white noise mixing with the sounds of weeping across the globe. He has heard each individual cry. Yours. Mine. Your neighbor’s. Your child’s. The hungry child in Honduras. The mourning father in Guam. Each and every wail is heard by the Lord. And the Lord accepts my prayer. Not only has He heard. He listens. He accepts. I look forward to the day I can write a Journey like this from the other side. But I’m not there yet, and I won’t be for a while. So, I sit in the peace that is offered in Psalm 6 and throughout the rest of Scripture. The Lord knows my pain. He knows my tears. He knows exactly how long this season will last. And He will walk with me every step of the way. This Bible study is property of Gracefully Truthful, where it was first published. For studies like this one, check out!
Kendra LeeAnneFrom Bible studies to blogs, articles to musings of the heart, Kendra's writings are unbarred and raw - exactly how she speaks. Categories
October 2020